Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Opportunities ahead

Recently I had a meeting with a group of senior ex-corporate people in their early fifties and sixties, they displayed clam and happiness in their faces when I met them and reflected in their lifestyle. I wonder how they can stay so cool in this global financial crisis time. I asked them, how did you behave so relax and joyful amid this current global financial and economic crisis ? They provided me a simple response.

They live a simple life but enjoying every activities they involved everyday, for example, one of the senior people say he make frequent holiday travel with his wife while he manages his investment since more than ten years. He said to me that he just returned from a holiday trip in Japan a few days ago.

Many of them are managing their investment as a prime source of incomes. They shared similiar investment philosophy, One of the key aspects for the investment philosophy is to create a balanced portfolio. While selecting stocks, do your home work, research on stocks that you want to buy and invest in fundamental strong companies. In fact, it is an great opportunity in every crisis like this, for these people to pick good value stocks and the expected return is often a few times more than they invested on those stocks. These people are VALUE investors and prepare to invest over a periond of 5 to 10 years. They started with small investment portfolio in the earlier years.

Opportunities are plentiful in this world, especially during every crisis, for this current financial and economic challenges is a golden opportunity, because just like many people say this is once in the century crisis. On reflection, I have learned in the "Lau Zi" philosophy, one of the oldest philosopher in China history since 5000 years ago, that an opportunity is only sieze by someone prepare for it. Are you ready for this opportumity ? I think maybe a small portion of these people are alway ready for it but not all. If not, there is no big deal for it. Let's start to prepare ourself for the next greater opportunity again.