Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Interesting Journey

The last four months has been interesting towards my new journey to my next life after 50's. I am learning an old trade with many new perspectives and ideas. As an property advisor in Singapore dealing with transaction of real estate between owner wish to sell his/her house and buyer need to purchase the house for his/her own need or investors to take profits or cut losess. I see many occassions the sellers & buyers come with high desire emotionally involved the sale transaction especially during "this red hot property season" in Singapore.

Few people aware that the fundament of the real estate business is to provide shutter to home your love one. That's it. Nevertheless, I came across many of them own more houses than what they needed. I guess that it is the fact of life in Singapore, as well as in the other part of the world in this region and globally. Thanks for all the intelligent gaps in human advancement. I wish the intelligent flow will leveling for all human beings as we move forward for happiness. Let me end this by saying that all of us shall participate and with full commitment to share the knowlegde and experience freely. Good day.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Good Start

I like the beginning of any new initiatives, just like the begining of the year of OX in Chinese New Year around many of us this time. This is to signify the new born of everyone of us in the world. It give us the opportunity to revisit many activities that we involved previously during our work life, our family life, our circle of friends and around the community.

The new life initiative in this year has to be a very creative movement, it allows us to unleash the past baggage and move on to different horizon. I noticed that many people has emerged the new habits in the areas of daily consumer activities such as buying habit for eating out and clothing. These people are more realistic in adjusting their life stlye. As in business, the re-assessment of business risk & opportunity is alive and very dynamic. We are hearing & seeing more unemployment in different industries in many nations around the global everyday. It is good for the world to re-calibrate the resource and put it in good use.

Just like a new born baby, we shall take this good time to reflect our needs and mission in life for a better world in the year of Ox. .... ,...... bull run in high fighting spirit.