Friday, August 1, 2008

In search of ........ ....... ......

While we are moving forward everyday, we all think that we are ahead and advance to acheive our desire dream, be it in our career, family or social objectives. Quite suprisingly, often we have inclined towards the reverse direction. Let's look back to the previous month, the oil price has readjusted three times downward in the unexpected current situation, like the old saying what goes up will come down. Some people say that this is the law of supply and demand in reality, other say that there is the nature law in action.

It is interesting to put some time to think through what we are doing each day and what we are now. This is what I call a self reflection and in search of new perspective in relation to the context you want or your desire.

The beauty of this is when you are searching and re-searching inside-outside of oneslef, and it shall come to attain an equilibrium in oneself, despite that the process has triggerred many ups and downs, joys and tears. You feel calm and relax when it reaches an equilibrium because it is the nature law in action. All of us shall be able to enjoy this moment of peace in us, I like to share this feeling as I call it " the new perspective alway" here with all of you who are reading this article now, and please bring it back and share with your love one too.

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