Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Float with your feeling

Learning how to float with your head's up in the sea is the most critical point in life-saving for beginner on how to swim. This is the first lesson I learned when I was young on learning how to swim a long time ago. Prior to the proper swimming techniques to move oneself in the water, one needs a capability to hold one's head up above the surface of water as long as you want to live.

Today, the financial crisis spreads exteme rapidly from US, Europe and down to Asia pacific as the US congress is not supporting the bailout plan designed by the treasury & federal reserve bureau. The market is in the chaotic moment. This crisis began with sub-prime mortgage from US about one year ago, now the problem is wider and deeper that affect million of people globally, thanks to the technology advancement and a globalisation world. Many people life has been affected with or without their own action. For instance, many minibond holders in Singapore and Hong Kong realised that their investment is down to the drain. Their years of savings or retirement fund is no longer recoverable. Another example, many jobs lost due to closure of investment companies; or oversea and local consumers demand dropped, lead to factories cutting down production. Question ask is, where is the life-saving boat?

Let us go back to basic principle on how to float and hold up your head above water in this crisis situation. Be it an individual, a family, a company or a nation, or an international community, assuming that all of us begin to rationalise, it does not matter whether is by design or by deflaut, if we were using the "need-base" approach for this rationalisation exercise. I guess the world will be heading to a deep depression. But if we were adopting the "value-base" approcah, "Value-base" means that what is important to you. we may have a better chance for riding through this crisis with a better feeling. Go and float your feeling with value is important to you, your family and your friends.

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